- Add a new 'Scrollable' property to Screens to control whether it is
- Improve the buggy behavior of Fill Parent
- Enable multiple FIll Parent components and have them share the
available space.
- Table arrangement on phone does not match arrangement in designer
- Tables don't expand automatically
- Blank cells not respected in table layout.
- Italic text doesn't work on the phone
- In Chrome, changing Alignment or FontTypeface doesn't work
- Uploading an asset with the same name makes it incorrectly show a
duplicate entry in the Media section
- Codeblocks can't load project if I type "$JSON" in the Screen's title
- Can't reload a project that has a \n in a label's text property
- Certain combination of colons and spaces in label text cause unexpected
line wraps and previewer selection errors
- Uploading a badly formated project zip file causes a crash report on
the server and the client doesn't get back a sensible error message
- My Projects from home page cause an exception
- Phone call dials only 10 digits
- Designer UI is too tall to height of some components to be changed